By Pastor Sherry
Date: Sunday AM 1-5-24
A Conservative Church in a Liberal World
May The Lord bless and keep you throughout this New Year. We will not be having services this Thursday evening the 2nd.
This is the start of our 2025 Young at Hearts luncheon... Please make plans to attend. Meet at Denny's at 12:00PM
Since this is the start of 2025 at least some of you may be a Pro at card making. If not, continue to come and then you can learn more things toward that goal! Please meet in the Ed Building at 10am.
Ladies start the New Year out right with Coffee, Snacks, Fellowship, and most of all the word of God! Please contact the church for more info.
Hey guys... make plans to attend the Men's Prayer Breakfast... it's a good way to start out the New Year.