We love spending time as a church family and with visitors as well! Here are some photos of our recent activities.

Veterans Day Recognition

No Name Preaching Conference

Freedom Celebration

Men's Trap Shoot

Salvation Sunday
No Name Preaching Conference
Faith Baptist holds a No Name Preaching Conference each year, bringing in preachers that are not well know by the majority of Christendom, but are well known in Heaven. This year we had Dr. Ray Meier and Pastor Bill Baker who are both artists, and here are some of the drawings. -
Freedom Celebration
This was our first Freedom Celebration, inspired by the same event at Open Door Baptist in Lynnwood, WA. Pastor Murphy's staff was more than helpful in the organizing, planning and run-up to the event. Designed with food and games after an evangelistic service, all of which requires a lot of work from the church folks. Our people did amazingly, even though the number of visitors we expected was lower, we still had to plan and execute for a larger group. We had several young people saved at the Storytelling Booth; Bible stories told by several of our Sunday School teachers to the younger children with their parents in attendance. It was a great event for showcasing the church and its ministries to the community. It's always a challenge in this day and age in America to interest the community in the local church and their need for the Lord Jesus Christ. We're already planning for next year's event! -
Salvation Sunday
This year we were privileged to have with us Pastor Dave Gilbert of the Bible Baptist Church in Sylmar, California. A number of souls were saved in the morning service with a Western style BBQ afterward. Pastor Gilbert challenged the saved that evening with a great message - Thank you Pastor Gilbert!