Missionaries to Vanuatu
The Hirtzels
My family and I have been called to reach the people of The Republic of Vanuatu; a small island nation northeast of Australia in the South Pacific ocean. Prior to independence the country was known as the New Hebrides and has a rich history of past missions and throughout WWII. Today much of that missions history has been lost and God has sent our family to bring the gospel to a country in need of a saviour. My wife, Ari, and I have two daughters: Rashelle and Terra.
At the age of six I was saved through the witness and teaching of my parents. At the age of eighteen the Lord impressed on my heart the desperate need for missions. I attended and graduated from a mission college in Rotorua, New Zealand. During this time I received the opportunity to begin preaching and gaining experience working on the mission field. Little did we know it at the time, but God was already opening doors and preparing us for the work in Vanuatu. Through this time we were able to gain our permanent residency which has allowed us to work in Vanuatu and travel freely to New Zealand for our medical needs.
For the past 10 years we have been laboring together with the Spores in the capitol city of Port Vila, Vanuatu. God opened doors to gain access to the country and we have seen His hand working in the islands of Vanuatu. During this time we have started a youth outreach ministry and a Bible Institute. The church has continued to grow and recently ordained, sent out, and fully supports its first missionary family to the island of Malakula. We have since seen the founding of the first Baptist church ever in the history of two islands now and a heart to ensure that they are only the first of many to come. We also have a Christian school with over 200 students that range from 4 year old kindergarten to class 8 and we have successfully trained 8 full time national teachers.
During our first two terms in Vanuatu we saw incredible growth in not only new salvations, but in the discipleship and Christian lives of our students, youth, and families. There are many other ministries and aspects of the work that we would be honored to share with you if the opportunity exists. There is much happening in the islands of Vanuatu, but partnered together with God’s leading we could accomplish so much more.
You find out more about the ministry at: hirtzels.baptistvanuatu.com