Card Making Class

Faith Baptist Church 436 Coal Creek Rd, Chehalis, WA, United States

Card Making must be fun cause it sure is on the calendar a lot. Come join the team and learn a new skill.

Young at Hearts

Faith Baptist Church 436 Coal Creek Rd, Chehalis, WA, United States

Fellowship, food, and fun can be had at this month's Young at Hearts get together. Please meet at Denny's at 12 Noon.

Happy Valentines Day

Faith Baptist Church 436 Coal Creek Rd, Chehalis, WA, United States

Happy Valentine's Day... be sure and give some candy to that special person in your life. There's no special event at the church on this day.

Widow and Widowers Banquet

Faith Baptist Church 436 Coal Creek Rd, Chehalis, WA, United States

Please contact the church for more info regarding this event. Please sign up in the lobby if you would like to attend.

Wait on The Lord – Teen Banquet

Faith Baptist Church 436 Coal Creek Rd, Chehalis, WA, United States

Wait on The Lord - Teen Banquet will be held at the church. The event starts at 6PM, Teens make plans to attend. Contact the church for more info.