By Pastor Sherry
Date: Sunday AM 9-1-24
A Conservative Church in a Liberal World
Please contact the church for more info on this luncheon such as time to meet.
Yet another week for you to learn how to make assorted cards. Come join the fun. We will be meeting in the Ed. building.
They say you're only as old as you feel... so... if you feel young at heart come join the others of like mind. Please meet at Denny's at 12:00 Noon!
Ladies... the Coffee is calling! Come join the other ladies who love Coffee, Snacks, and above all... Fellowship and God's word.
It's that time of year again... The Teen Pie-Craft Auction where you get to bid on all sorts of items that you may want or need. All proceeds go to the Teen fund for the year's activities. Please make it appoint to stay and bid on some items. There will be no evening service on this Sunday!